At Georgia’s House we’re just getting started. You can help us do more.

Addiction knows no boundaries. Anyone in any walk of life can be affected by this disease as it ravages individuals, families and the community through the loss of independent and productive citizens. Women often have different challenges than men and their needs must be met differently. Living in a supportive community with the help and guidance of professional staff gives women the best chance of truly healing from their disease. Georgia’s House provides the kind of long-term help and support that lead to hope, healing and happy lives for the women and their families. 


Number of Women Admitted

Total # women served since opening (as of December 15, 2022): 154

Average length of stay for those who successfully complete the program: 8 months.


Number of Safe Bed Nights

Total # safe bed nights since opening (as of December 15, 2022): 21,446

“I have a new life.”


In the words of our residents … hope heals.

When addiction upended my life, Georgia’s provided me a safe, nurturing and structured environment to recover after inpatient treatment. I could reintegrate into society without feeling overwhelmed.
— Lauren

“At Georgia’s House, I found support, people who loved, motivated and cared for me . . . I have Hope.” – Andrea


“Nowadays my brain no longer races compulsively in either elation, grandiosity, or depression. I have been given a quiet place in the bright sunshine.” – Lydia


“Georgia’s House gave me a safe, compassionate environment for recovery. I now look forward to a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.”

~ Tanya, Alumna