Spring 2022 Newsletter


As we greet February 2022, I want to call for resounding virtual applause for our past president, Karen Turner. The fruits of Karen’s vision and spirit of innovation are everywhere at Georgia’s House. In 2019 and 2020, Karen oversaw a makeover of our campus with the renovation of Georgia’s Cottage and garden. In 2021, she was inspired to develop the Joy Project, which provides our residents experiences that replace the highs of drugs and alcohol with the seeds of organic joy and confidence. In these and in many other ways, Karen has advanced our mission. Thank you, Karen, for your leadership!

2021 was a year of milestones for Georgia’s Friends. We welcomed a new administrative team, and they hit the ground running. Thanks to a special group of donors we were able to pay off the balance of our mortgage, achieving a goal that but for these incredible people would have been years away. We expanded programs and developed new ones like the Joy Project, as you’ll read in these pages.

Most importantly, we continue to serve recovering women who seek freedom from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Holidays can be difficult for people in recovery. In 2021, volunteers, donors, our faith partners and our wonderful staff set about “making spirits bright.” Residents were so grateful for the gifts, special meals, and surprises that so many of you provided.

Women united in hope can lift one another and the whole community through the healing power of love. For Valentine’s Day, I leave you with the words of a resident of Georgia’s House:

"I’m happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve been happy. Everybody loves me now. I feel like I’m loved and I’m loved HERE."

Read the full newsletter here.

Thank you, Friends. With gratitude,

Page Gilliam, President


Fall 2022 Newsletter


Spring 2021 Newsletter